July 29, 2020
Hello Raiders,
Please review the registration information and a survey (links below). I will
send another email on August 5th when we've opened registration, and I'll

July 29, 2020
Hello Raiders,
We have completed the Return to School Plan as well as a letter highlighting
some of the key points. I realize there is a large amount of information
to rea...

June 16, 2020
Midwest Central Primary School is happy to announce that during the 2019-2020 school year we have had 11 students ranging from Pre-School to 5 th grade with Perfect Attendance.
May 20, 2020
Forman Valley Library is now taking sign ups for their Summer Reading Program from now to June 5, 2020. It is for ages preschool to adults and starts June 10 - July 8, 2020. Plea...

April 3, 2020
Hey! We’re thrilled to announce Midwest Central Community School District’s new website and app! It’s everything Raiders, in your pocket.
Watch this Video to see our new App! ...

March 25, 2020
Kindergarten screening scheduled for March 27th and March 30th has been cancelled. They will be rescheduled at a later date.

March 25, 2020
The teachers at the Primary School are thinking of ways they can reach out to their students in times of a crisis. Many have developed Facebook pages, Google Classrooms, Zoom, an...

March 25, 2020
Due to the COVID-19 virus, the Primary School office will only be open on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday each week until further notice.

January 17, 2020
The students that have been a Raider Role Model every month last semester were rewarded with a trip to the movies on Friday, January 17th. These students have been working hard al...

December 4, 2019
On Friday, December 6th, 36 of our students will be going to Elevate as a reward for their PTO fundraising sales.

December 4, 2019
Our teachers worked hard on Tuesday night to get out all our Christmas decorations for our students to see when they arrived at school on Wednesday. There were many Ooh's and Aaw...

November 15, 2019
The Family Academic Night was a huge success for our students. We had 305 people come and go through all our stations. Each station had an academic theme for it. This was all m...

November 14, 2019
Welcome our new students:
Jadzia Humphreys Nov. 19, 2019