Lunch: Maple Pancake Turkey Sausage Bites, orange glazed carrots, broccoli florets, fruit of the day
MCMS is looking for 6th and 8th grade students who are interested in joining student council for the 2021-2022 school year! MCMS Student Council will be responsible for several events and activities this year, including fundraisers, school spirit activities, and other events to involve all students in the Midwest Central Middle School experience. The council positions are all student/peer elected. Students who are interested in student council must attend all STUCO events, maintain good grades and behavior and exhibit leadership qualities. If this sounds like you, grab an application from Mrs. Dean today or tomorrow during Team Time. Applications will be due by Tuesday, August 31st to Mrs. Dean. Voting will occur next week by all students.
Picture order forms were sent home yesterday with students. If you did not get one, please come to the office to pick one up. Also, information forms for our upcoming fundraiser were passed out, please stop by the office to get one if you did not receive one.