Lunch today: Chicken Tenders with roll or Mini Corn Dogs

Don’t forget to sign up for girls and boys basketball down by the gym! Remember that you must
have a current sports physical turned in before the first day of open gym. If you do not know if
you have one turned in, please see Mrs. Hintz in the main office.

Tomorrow is the end of our first nine weeks!

PE classes will be going outside today; please come prepared to class with a
jacket/coat…warmer clothing.

At lunch, remember to respect those around you and only speak with students nearby at your
table. When students talk across the aisle or across the room, the volume level increases
drastically and the situation is no longer safe since students cannot hear any directions being

Student Council would like to remind you to wear your Raider pride clothing tomorrow! Even if
it’s wearing black, silver or white works. We’d like to see everyone in their Raider gear every