Lunch: No lunch (11:20 dismissal)

If you want to order a yearbook, please turn those into the office by Friday, March 14th!

MCMS Cheer Competition will be held on March 21st, during the school day. Sign-ups start March 11th during Team Time, sign-up sheets will be located on the Popcorn Board. Grab a sheet on the popcorn board explaining the rules, how the competition will be judged and prizes.

Reminder, we have a ½ day dismissal at 11:20.

Track practice is canceled for today.

Congratulations to the 7th grade volleyball team on their big win last night against Parkview to move on to the Regional Championship here at Midwest Central tomorrow night! Let’s make it a priority to pack the house for our lady raiders!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO: Brantley Williams

Joke of the Day: What kind of socks do grizzlies wear? None, they have bear feet!

Daily affirmation: I am in control of my thoughts and emotions.