Tuesday 2/7/23 Announcements
- Today’s Lunch: Crispy Chicken Bowl
- Emmanuel's Warehouse and the Manito Popcorn Festival Committee are looking for volunteers for upcoming events. If you are in need of community service points, please talk to Mrs. Kerley or sign up on the bulletin board next to Mr. Clark's room.
- National Honor Society is hosting a Blood Drive on Thursday, March 2, at MCHS! Students ages 16 years and older can donate. Parental consent is required if you are under 18. The sign-up sheet and parental consent form are on the office ledge. Help save lives and donate blood! We know you’ve got it in you! See Mrs. Kerley if you have any questions.
- There will be baseball open gym in the high school gym this Thursday from 4:45 - 6:00.