Monday 1/30/23 Announcements
- Today’s Lunch: Hot Italian Cheesy Sub
- If you forgot to dress up for Homecoming today don't worry, there is still Adam Sandler Day tomorrow, Workout Wednesday, and Class Color Day on Thursday. Dress up every day to earn points for your class.
- The Homecoming dance will be this Saturday! The dance will start at 7 pm and end at 10 pm. The price of entry is $5 a person and tickets will be sold at the door.
- Spring sports sign-ups are on the office window
- A reminder to students: food and drinks are not allowed in the library. Any students who bring food in during study hall will go back to study hall. Also, if you need a chromebook and Miss Shaffer is not in the library, do not wait for her to come back. You should go to the office to get a chromebook then go back to class. Finally, please pay attention to the library door to see if the library is open or closed.
- Juniors and Seniors- are you interested in Ag? Western is hosting an open house on March 24, 2023 to learn more about WIU and the School of Agriculture. We will be able to tour the farm, visit with faculty, students, and alumni, as well as enter for a chance to win a scholarship. Please see Mrs. Harbourn for sign-ups