Thursday 10/27/22 Announcements
Today’s Lunch: Grilled Chicken Bacon Melt
- Detention tonight with Mr. Weaver
- ICC will be here November 10th at 11:45 in the library
- Book Club will continue their October meeting today during 5A/5B. Book club students can grab their lunch and bring it to the library.
- No plans for Friday night? You do now! Come to the blacklight dance from 6-8pm.
- There will be a National Honor Society meeting on Friday during 5B in the library.
- Attention juniors and seniors- Mrs. Harbourn will be taking a cosmetology field trip on November 10th. Spots are limited. Please see Mrs. Harbourn to sign up.
- The Fall Sports Athletic Awards Night for volleyball, golf, and cross country will be tonight at 6:15. The Winter Sports Parent Meeting for basketball and cheerleading will be held on October 27th at 7:00. The coaches meeting will follow. At least one parent needs to attend the 7:00 meeting with the AD. If you attended the Falls Parent Meeting, then they only need to attend the coaches meeting.
- Seniors – Josten’s will be back to take your graduation orders today during lunch and study hall. Please turn in your orders at this time. Extra packets are on the office ledge if you need one
- Spanish Club members--please check our Google Classroom if you'd like to purchase a Spanish Club t-shirt!
- Student Activities is hiding 5 pumpkins around the school every day this week. If you find one, take it to Ms. Sauder to receive candy
- This week is Red Ribbon Week. The purpose of this week is to raise awareness for the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse and to promote good decision making. We will be doing the following dress up days and there will be activities during the lunch periods that you can participate in. Please keep all clothing school appropriate. Friday – Wear red to support our Red Ribbon Campaign.
- Attention seniors- Eastern Illinois University will be here on October 27th. If you want to attend a meeting with their representative, please sign up with Mrs. Harbourn. They will be in the library during your 5B study hall.