Wednesday 10/19/22 Announcements
Today’s Lunch: Creamy Chicken Alfredo
- Spanish Club members--please check our Google Classroom if you'd like to purchase a Spanish Club t-shirt!
- We are in need of 3 stage hands to assist with Greased Lightnin' during the musical. Please see Mrs. Kerley if interested.
- Attention seniors- Eastern Illinois University will be here on October 27th. If you want to attend a meeting with their representative, please sign up with Mrs. Harbourn. They will be in the library during your 5B study hall.
- Come to the Blacklight Dance on Friday, October 28th from 6-8pm at the high school. $1 cover charge includes music, dancing, snacks, and drinks. There will also be face-painting with neon, glow-in-the-blacklight paints! The blacklight dance is a casual dance--no dressing up needed!