Monday 10/17/22 Announcements
Today’s Lunch: Chicken Drumstick
- We will be having a Flu shot clinic on October 20th. Forms are available on the office ledge and are due this Thursday. Please take forms home to be filled out and signed by your parent.
- We are in need of 3 stage hands to assist with Greased Lightnin' during the musical. Please see Mrs. Kerley if interested.
- There is a meeting during 5B today for all Interact Club and National Honor Society members.
- Anyone interested in winter sports – girls basketball, boys basketball and wrestling, please stop by the office and sign up on the sheets on the office window
- Attention seniors- Eastern Illinois University will be here on October 27th. If you want to attend a meeting with their representative, please sign up with Mrs. Harbourn. They will be in the library during your 5B study hall.
- Detention tonight with Mr. Weaver