Thursday 9/22/22 Announcements
Today’s Lunch: Honey BBQ Pork Sandwich
- Students need to go to the office window before entering the office.
- Detention tonight with Mr. Clark
- Students, you must be accounted for at all times.
In the morning, once you enter the building, you may not leave without permission. You must remain in the Raider hallway and may only use the Raider hallway bathrooms; Students must stay out of the classroom horse-shoe area unless permitted by a teacher or the office.
- While in lunch, you must be in the hallway or cafeteria AND only use the bathrooms in the Raider hallway. Students in study hall may only use the main bathroom and must travel through the horse shoe area to go to the bathroom.
Students found in places without permission will receive a detention.
- Congrats to Mason Garlisch, Ayanna Bishop, and Remi Kraft for answering the POP Trivia Current Events Question. No freshman answered the question on google classroom. The Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank is Jerome Powell, one of the most powerful positions in the world.
- There will be a Spanish Club meeting today. If you have study hall during 5A, come during 5A. If you have study hall during 5B, come during 5B. If you haven't paid your dues yet, you can then. We'll be talking about activities for this year--and we're bringing back the blacklight dance!
- Juniors- if you are interested in taking the PSAT/NMSQT on Wednesday, October 12th, you will need to see Mrs. Harbourn. The test costs $17 and is a great preparation for the SAT.
- Students- we are so excited for our College and Career Fair on September 28th from 4:00PM-6:00PM in the gym. Currently we have 42 tables confirmed. We have several colleges, businesses, military, and trade people confirmed to come. There is a chance to be entered in a drawing AND some teachers have offered extra credit for attending. See Mrs. Harbourn for questions.