Thursday 9/1/22 Announcements
Today’s Lunch: Chili Cheese Fries with Soft Pretzel
- Parking sticker forms are available on the office ledge. The cost to park in the student lot is $20 per year. Please fill out the form and bring it back to the office with $20
- FFA members who signed up for horse judging, there is a mandatory meeting today during 5A in Mrs. Clark’s room. If you do not show up you will not be allowed to participate
- All FFA Officers as well as well students signed up to be a part of labor auction. There is a mandatory meeting for this Friday during 5A in Mrs Clark’s room
- Any Freshman, Sophomore, or Junior interested in being on Student Council may apply for the Student at – Large position. Applications are on the bulletin board in the horseshoe hallway, or on the door of Room 10. All applications are due back to Miss Sauder (Room 10) by Wednesday September 7.
- Attention Interact Members: PLEASE sign up to volunteer for the Dime Toss at the Popcorn Festival on Friday or Saturday. The sign up sheet is on the Interact Club bulletin board outside room 18.
- If anyone would like to earn community service points please see Mr. Norris about helping at Cross Country meets
- Nurse Denise needs these important papers:
All Freshman and new students need a current physical and immunizations.
All Seniors need a Meningitis vaccination, and the paperwork showing the date you received it.
You may turn papers into her office or the main office.