Monday 3/14/22 Announcements
Today’s Lunch: Baked Potato with Chili & Soft Pretzel
Seniors - some of the scholarship deadlines are approaching in March. Please see Ms. Lee for available scholarship applications.
Cheerleading sign-ups are on the office window – you must sign up by 3/18. Tryouts will be held Friday, April 1 at 4:00 at the Primary School. Please see the office window for the try out schedule.
There will be a prom committee meeting in Mrs. Sidwell’s room on Wednesday during 5B.
Any junior or senior girl who is interested in taking tickets @ the Ducks Unlimited Banquet next Sat., the 19th, starting @ approx. 4:00 please see Jen or Karen in the office. Workers will be provided with a meal and a some pay.
Spanish Club members: We'll be taking a field trip to Peoria on Friday, March 25th to try some traditional Mexican food at Jalapeño's restaurant, followed by some traditional Mexican dessert at Palarte. If you are interested, please see Ms. Brodbeck or sign up via the link sent to the Spanish Club Google Classroom. Menu links for both places are also there. Space is limited to 14 people.
Seniors, Jostens will be here on Tuesday, March 15th during lunch and study hall to deliver your graduation orders. If you have not made your final payment, please bring it with you on Tuesday so you can pick up your order
There is a Chapter Meeting for FFA that all of you are invited to. The Chapter Meeting will be held on March 16th at 6pm in Millers room. There will be a 3 on 3 Basketball tournament and Avanti's. Just fill out the form in your google classrooms saying if you will attend ASAP. If you have any questions please ask Aiden Askins, Mr. Miller, Mr. Jodlowski, or any of the other officers. Hope to see you there!
Anyone interested in joining the yearbook staff for the 2022-2023 school year, please check your class's Google Classroom for application materials. Applications are due no later than Thursday, March 17th, at 3:05pm.
Spring sports pictures will be Wednesday, 3/16. Coaches have order forms, but there are extra in the office if you need one.
Detention tonight with Ms. Sauder