1/27/22 Announcements

Thursday 1/27/22 Announcements

Today’s Lunch:  Salisbury Steak Biscuit

 Detention tonight with Mrs. Gray

 Baseball, softball and track sign-up sheets are on the office window

 ICC’s Health Career Experience is happening on April 7th, 2022. The space is limited. We have 8 spots available so please see Ms. Lee if you are interested in attending this field trip.

 All Interact Club members AND anyone that signed up for the Rotary Sale with STUCO or Scholastic Bowl or NHS will need to attend the meeting the last 15 minutes of 5A for freshmen and sophomores on Thursday and then juniors and seniors the last 15 min of 5B Thursday.  It is a mandatory meeting so please attend or let Mrs. DeSutter know if you cannot make the meeting! Rotary Sale sign ups will be on the Interact Club bulletin board outside room 18 on Friday.

 Seniors who are eligible for the Senior Class Trip will meet in Room 2 today during 5B.

 Juniors- there has been a boy’s basketball game added for February 1st.  We need at least 3 people to sign up to help work concessions

 There will be a prom committee meeting Friday during 5B in Mrs. Sidwell’s room.