Thursday 10/14/21 Announcements
Today’s Lunch: Rotini & Meatballs
Detention tonight with Mr. Weaver
Baseball players need to get their cheesecake order forms into Mr. Roberts by Friday (tomorrow), October 15.
There will be an Interact Club meeting the last 15 min of 5A in Mrs. DeSutter’s room to discuss Trunk or Treat and Veteran’s Day activities. Please let Mrs. DeSutter or Remi Kraft know if you are NOT able to make the meeting since attendance is mandatory to be part of the club.
Juniors and Seniors: If you need to take the ICC placement test, we have a test session on October 21st at noon. You need to sign up in Ms. Lee’s office.
Attn: Science Club Members – there will be a brief meeting today during the last 10 minutes of 5B
Any student who would like to add a veteran to the Veteran’s Day Breakfast invite list. Please get the name and address of the person to Mrs. Sundberg ASAP.
History League: If you would like to purchase a shirt, money and orders are due to Mrs. Sundberg by Thursday Oct 21.
Important dates to remember:
November 12th – Winter Sports pics