8/31/21 Announcements

Tuesday 8/31/21 Announcements

Today’s Lunch: Chicken & Waffles    

 Attention Interact club students or those interested in joining.  Please sign up for helping with the Dime Toss during the Popcorn Festival.  The sign up is on the bulletin board outside room 18. It is tons of fun and all money goes back to you in the form of scholarships your senior year.

 There will be a Student Council meeting during 5A and 5B on Thursday for Class Officers and Club Officers

 Volunteers are needed at the Popcorn Festival this weekend. See Mrs. Kerley in room 7 to sign up. This is a GREAT way to earn Community Service Points!!!

 Anyone who signed up for History League, but did not pay the dues, please pay them by this Friday. If you would still like to join, it’s not too late, just sign up with Mrs. Sundberg and pay your $2 by Friday.  

 There will be an Interact meeting for all students, freshmen through seniors, in room 20 today during 5B. 

 Sophomores: Your class is in charge of selling concessions at MCHS home volleyball games. You can sign-up outside the library door and see Miss Shaffer in the library if you have any questions.