
ANNOUNCEMENTS:                       MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3rd   

LUNCH TODAY                                        CHICKEN FAJITA BOWL    

  • Seniors- Cass Communications Scholarship is due February 15th. Check the scholarship presentation and spreadsheet.

  • There is an FFA Chapter meeting on Wednesday from 5:30-7:30

  • Tomorrow’s dress up day is Tourist Day! Dress up as tourist!

  • There will be a junior lip sync meeting in the library during 5B. 

  • Sophomores Lip Sync will meet in room 6 during 5A today.

  • Sign up sheets for Baseball, Softball and Track are on the office window

  • Seniors Attention!!! Let your final message from high school be recognized by submitting your Senior quotes to the Seniors google classroom page by March 7th.

  • The Homecoming dance will be Saturday February 8th! The dance will start at 7 pm and end at 10 pm with coronation at 9:00 pm. The price of entry is $5 a person and tickets will be sold at the door.  This is considered a semi-formal dance - no jeans.

  • Homecoming is just around the corner! Check the scrolling announcements in the front foyer along with the papers posted above the drinking fountains for the entire week's plan of dress up days! 

  • Out of school guest forms for Homecoming are available now. Please see Mr. Norris to pick one up. All forms must be returned TODAY!

  • Detention tonight with Mrs. Sarff