ANNOUNCEMENTS: Friday, January 24th
LUNCH TODAY pepperoni pizza
Seniors- Cass Communications Scholarship is due February 15th. Check the scholarship presentation and spreadsheet.
Juniors- if you are interested in ICC’s welding, CNA, EMT/FIRE programs, you need to see Mrs. Harbourn asap! These applications are due February 1st. If you are interested in PERFECT’s construction program, those applications are due March.
There will be a junior lip sync meeting in the library Monday during 5B.
Seniors: Vote for Homecoming Court. The link is in the stream in Google Classroom for Seniors.
Out of school guest forms for Homecoming are available now. Please see Mr. Norris to pick one up. All forms must be returned no later than February 3rd
There will be a Sophomore Class Lip Sync meeting on Friday during 5B.
History League will be hosting a movie day in Ms. Rousseau's room on Monday, January 27th from 3-5:15pm, to watch Little Women! This coming-of-age story follows a group of sisters in the years after the Civil War. All students are invited, not just members, and snacks will be provided!