
ANNOUNCEMENTS:                       Friday, January 24th   

LUNCH TODAY                                         pepperoni pizza 

  • Seniors- Cass Communications Scholarship is due February 15th. Check the scholarship presentation and spreadsheet.

  • Juniors- if you are interested in ICC’s welding, CNA, EMT/FIRE programs, you need to see Mrs. Harbourn asap! These applications are due February 1st. If you are interested in PERFECT’s construction program, those applications are due March.

  • There will be a junior lip sync meeting in the library Monday during 5B. 

  • Seniors: Vote for Homecoming Court.  The link is in the stream in Google Classroom for Seniors.

  • Out of school guest forms for Homecoming are available now. Please see Mr. Norris to pick one up. All forms must be returned no later than February 3rd                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

  • There will be a Sophomore Class Lip Sync meeting on Friday during 5B.

  • History League will be hosting a movie day in Ms. Rousseau's room on Monday, January 27th from 3-5:15pm, to watch Little Women! This coming-of-age story follows a group of sisters in the years after the Civil War. All students are invited, not just members, and snacks will be provided!