1/14/25 Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS:                                      tuesday, january 14th 

LUNCH TODAY                                                  cheeseburger    

  • History League will have a meeting on Thursday in Ms. Rousseau's room during 5A and 5B. We will be discussing our second semester plans, our spring field trip, 5th Grade field trip, and more!

  • Penny Wars started yesterday!  This is a competition between classes where pennies count positive and all silver coins are negative.  The money raised will be donated to Special Olympics.  Classes will earn points toward Community Service for Homecoming.

  • Homecoming shirts are on sale this week for $10.  Sign up during your lunch hours.  You must pay when you sign up for a shirt.  See the designs at the sign up table at lunch or over the drinking fountains in the hallway

  • There will be a science club meeting Wednesday January 15 during the last 15 minutes of 5B Study Hall