
ANNOUNCEMENTS:                                      thursday, september 26th                          

LUNCH TODAY                                                  mandarin orange chicken with rice 

  • Get your yearbook today for the lowest price of the year! Yearbooks are $8 off and have free special personalization options through Friday, September 27th. QR codes are posted around the school or see Mrs. Frank for help

  • Detention tonight with Mr. Hyde

  • There will be a Library Club meeting in the library during 5A/B. Please bring your lunch with you.

  • Any FCCLA member who pays their $10.00 dues by Friday, September 27th will be put in a drawing to win a FREE Yearbook!

  • There will be an FCCLA meeting on Friday, September 27, 2024 during 5B to kick off Fundraising!! You may bring your lunch with you.

  • Attention all Science Members. All fundraiser chocolate sales are due to be turned in to Mr. Servis by this Thursday September 26th.

  • History League will be hosting a movie night after school on Friday from 3-5:15pm! We will be watching "Selma", a star-studded retelling of Martin Luther King Jr.'s protests for civil rights in 1965. All interested students may attend, not just members. Snacks will be provided!

  • Mason Co Health Dept will hold a vaccine clinic at the High school October 10th. Flu vaccine and meningitis vaccines will be available. Every senior is mandated by the State of Illinois to have a meningitis vaccine by October 15th. Packets are available on the office ledge. Please have filled out and returned by October 3rd.

  • There are still 28 seniors who are missing their meningitis vaccine and the vaccine packets are due back by October 3rd.