
ANNOUNCEMENTS:                                      monday, september 16th                         

LUNCH TODAY                                                  creamy chicken alfredo

  • Sophomores, Josten’s will be here on Tuesday, September 17th to take your class ring and letter jacket orders. If you missed the class meeting, there are extra packets in the office.

  • Spanish Club members need to turn in their $2 dues to Ms. Brodbeck today

  • The library will be closed today

  • There is musical practice for ALL Monday and Tuesday after school.   

  • The Raider Review will be asking a question of the week in each issue. Make sure you scan the QR code and participate for a chance to win prizes and connect with your classmates!

  • Mason Co Health Dept will hold a vaccine clinic at the High school October 10th. Flu vaccine and meningitis vaccines will be available. Every senior is mandated by the State of Illinois to have a meningitis vaccine by October 15th. Packets are available on the office ledge. Please have filled out and returned by October 3rd.