ANNOUNCEMENTS: Friday, september 13th
LUNCH TODAY hot ham & cheese sandwich
Sophomores, Josten’s will be here on Tuesday, September 17th to take your class ring and letter jacket orders. If you missed the class meeting, there are extra packets in the office.
Spanish Club members need to turn in their $2 dues to Ms. Brodbeck by Monday, September 16th.
The Raider Review will be asking a question of the week in each issue. Make sure you scan the QR code and participate for a chance to win prizes and connect with your classmates! This week’s winner is Eliza Kerley. You can stop by the office to pick up your Raider Cup Prize.
Attention Juniors and Seniors- Eastern Illinois University will be at Midwest Central on Monday, September 16th during 5B study hall. If you would like to meet with Eastern, you need to sign up in Mrs. Harbourn’s office by September 13th.
Mason Co Health Dept will hold a vaccine clinic at the High school October 10th. Flu vaccine and meningitis vaccines will be available. Every senior is mandated by the State of Illinois to have a meningitis vaccine by October 15th. Packets are available on the office ledge. Please have filled out and returned by October 3rd.
Sophomores - The concessions sign-up sheet for home volleyball games is next to room #7. Please sign-up!