

ANNOUNCEMENTS:                              wednesDAY, AUGUST 28TH                      

LUNCH TODAY                                     Buffalo macaroni and cheese

·         We would like to hear some people sing and read once more today after school for auditions. Please check the Callback list in the office window to see if you are needed tonight. If not, we will see you next week when rehearsals begin!  

·         Everyone who auditioned will have a part in the musical, either as a featured character or in the ensemble.  We will post the final cast list on Friday.  We are looking forward to working with you!  The first rehearsal for speaking parts is next Tuesday at 6. The first rehearsal for ALL will be next Wednesday at 3 in the music room.  Great job, everyone!

·         Ms. Brodbeck has a trip to Belize set up for this coming summer! If you are interested, stop and see her in room 13. 

·         Any student that would like to help with the Rotary Club's Dime Toss at the Popcorn Festival, please sign up on the yellow bulletin board outside room 18.  Money raised from the dime toss goes directly to MCHS seniors in the form of a $500 scholarship so helping out with the Dime Toss is a great way to win that scholarship! 

·         Students who are interested in ICC’s AG Showcase Field Trip, please see Mrs. Harbourn by September 5th.

·         Sophomores - The concessions sign-up sheet for home volleyball games is next to room #7. Please sign-up!

·         Any Freshman, Sophomore, or Junior interested in being on Student Council may apply for the Student At – Large positions.  Applications are on the bulletin board in the horseshoe hallway, or on the door of Room 10.  All applications are due back to Miss Sauder (Room 10) by Friday August 30.