· The fall musical is "The Drowsy Chaperone." This show is a new comedy which features many character actors and an ensemble. There's something for all! Auditions will be held today and tomorrow at 3:00 in the music room. Callbacks for lead parts will be on Wednesday, August 28 at 3 in the Music Room. If you would like to audition but can't make it on Monday or Tuesday, please contact Mrs. Kerley.
· Ms. Brodbeck has a trip to Belize set up for this coming summer! If you are interested, stop and see her in room 13.
· Students who are interested in ICC’s AG Showcase Field Trip, please see Mrs. Harbourn by September 5th.
· The volleyball home opener is Tuesday evening versus Tremont. The theme for the game is Raider Pride. Wear your best Raider gear and come cheer the girls on for their first home match of the season!
· Sophomores - The concessions sign-up sheet for home volleyball games is next to room #7. Please sign-up!
· National Honor Society is meeting on Tuesday during 5B.
· Any Freshman, Sophomore, or Junior interested in being on Student Council may apply for the Student At – Large positions. Applications are on the bulletin board in the horseshoe hallway, or on the door of Room 10. All applications are due back to Miss Sauder (Room 10) by Friday August 30.